Stabilise your ankles for a trouble-free run
Are you worried about ankle sprains when you are running? Activate your ankles and prevent injuries!

You are out on the running trail – and suddenly it happens. All it takes to sprain your ankle is one unfortunate step. Depending on the severity of such an ankle injury, this may lead to a break of several weeks. And ankle pain can even occur without twisting – for example, due to excessive strain. In order to prevent these issues as well as ankle injuries from running, Bauerfeind has developed the Sports Ankle Support and Sports Ankle Support Dynamic. These sports supports activate your ankle and, thanks to improved proprioception of the foot, it provides protection against problems that result from too much strain. In addition, you should also strengthen your joints with suitable exercises.

A strong ankle – for a perfect run
The ankle links the calf bone and the shin bone with the bones of the foot. It consists of two joints: the upper ankle and the lower ankle. These two parts of the ankle form a functional unit for lowering and lifting the foot as well as for inward and outward rotation. The ankle is secured and stabilized by a firm capsular ligament complex. Your ankle carries your entire body weight when you are standing, walking or running. It is thus among the joints in the human body that bears the greatest load. To ensure top performance and thorough enjoyment when running, you will need strong ankles.
Three exercises to strengthen your ankles
Strengthen your ankles to protect your feet against excessive strain and injuries. At the same time, this will also improve your gait, as your movements are going to become more dynamic. The following exercises will strengthen your ankles, improve your running style and help you run faster!
- Heel stand for strong feet: Stand with your back to a wall at a distance of around 30 centimetres. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Now slowly lean back until your back and buttocks touch the wall. Next pull up your toes towards your shins as far as possible, while keeping your weight on the heels. Then lower your toes until they almost touch the ground. Repeat the exercise 15 times and do two sets.
- Ball bouncing for extra power: Stand upright and bounce on the balls of both feet. When absorbing the strain, the heels should not touch the ground. When jumping, bend your foot joints and pull your toes towards your shins. Do two sets of 20 jumps each, to begin with.
- Heel walking for strong foot muscles: For this exercise, you are going to walk on your heels only. The balls of your feet do not touch the ground. Walk for around 20 meters between each set of the exercises described above. This walking exercise will strengthen and mobilize your ankle while also training the coordination of your lower limbs.
Sports Ankle Support
The Sports Ankle Support holds the ankle securely in place during longer sporting activities and protects against painful sprains. The support’s beneficial compression and integrated taping strap stabilise the ankle. It is wound around the foot in a figure-of-eight configuration and tightened if needed. It lasts longer than conventional sport taping.
Sports Ankle Support Dynamic
The Sports Ankle Support Dynamic supports the ankle during long and intensive periods of sports training. Whether it’s running, walking, fitness, or outdoor sport, the hard-wearing ankle support counteracts overloading complaints and helps wearers feel secure when running during training and competitions. The various knitted fabric zones promote depth perception with gentle compression.